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TIM Plus can be configured to raise an alert when particular events occur on the system. The following alerts are available:

CriticalA critical alert would be deemed to be one which is notifies you of any events that have occurred, which are detrimental to the system. , e.g. database failure.
WarningA warning alert is to notify you that a notifies you of non-critical event has events that have occurred, e.g. you have just exceeded your license limit.
InformationAn information alert is one that notifies you of system events that have occurred, e.g. if the application service has been restarted.

Enter the TIM Plus allows you to send the alerts as a notification email to one or more recipients. To do so, enter the e-mail address of the person(ses) who should receive the in the text box alongside each type of alert, as shown in the first section of the screenshot below. The alerts are also output to a log file. You may define the path as shown in the second section of the screen below. Screenshotmacro



To send alerts to multiple email addresses, separate each entry with a semicolon.

By default, the alerts are also outputted to a log file, using the following dynamic variables to define the path of the folder that the files will be stored in: {app}\logs\{year}\{year}-{month}-{day}. The dynamic variables used to define the path are explained in the table below:

appThe full installation path of TIM Plus
yearThe year the data was captured in yyyy format
monthThe month the data was captured in mm format
dayThe day of the month when data was captured in dd format


To choose a different location to store the logs files, overtype the current entry.

When you have finished configuring the settings, click on the

button to apply the changes, as shown below:







<p>TIM Plus can be configured to raise an alert when particular events occur. The following alerts are available:</p>

<table class="confluenceTable">
			<th class="confluenceTh" width=80>Alert</th>
			<th class="confluenceTh">Description</th>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Critical</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">A critical alert would be deemed to be one which is detrimental to the system. e.g. database failure.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Warning</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">A warning alert is to notify you that a non-critical event has occurred e.g. you have just exceeded your license limit.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Information</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">An information alert is one that notifies you of system events e.g. if the application service has been restarted.</td>

<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Alerts" />

<p>Please enter the e-mail address of the person(s) who should receive the 
alert here as shown in the first section of the screen below. The alerts
 are also output to a log file. You may define the path as shown in the 
second section of the screen below.</p>