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Task6Password complexity
Task5Web interface protocols
Task7Automatic expiry of web user passwords
Task2Block Blocking invalid login attempts
Task3Changing the default web server port
Task4Enabling High Security mode


<a id="Blocking invalid login attempts"></a>

Blocking invalid


login attempts

The system can blacklist the source IP address of a would-be attacker if a number of unsuccessful access attempts are made within a specified period of time. The following two Registry entries determine how many invalid login attempts are permissible before the source IP is blacklisted and, if so, for how long the blacklist will remain in place until further attempts are entertained:


Each part of the complexity string is defined by a pair of characters, a single character denoting the type of policy, immediately followed by a numeric character (0-9) stipulating how many characters of that type are required to satisfy the password policy.


  The Type characters are as follows:


Type pair (  

The value of PasswordComplexity must always be 8 characters, otherwise the policy will not be implemented. The order of each

character and 
Type character and amount character) is not important.


The server running TIM Enterprise will email the web user advising that a password change is required. The web user must have an email address configured, for notification to take place.

If the password is not changed by the expiry date then , the account is automatically disabled.

Registry String data valueDescription
PasswordExpiryTimeUnitsDetermines the time units that the related expiry entries (below) will use.  Valid values are "minutes", "hours", "days", "weekdays"
PasswordExpiryReminderA value, in the units described by the PasswordExpiryTimeUnits entry, after which an email is sent to the web user to remind them to change their password.
PasswordExpiryDisableA value, in the units described by the PasswordExpiryTimeUnits entry, which specifies how long after the reminder email (above) is sent, that a web user's account will be disabled if it hasn't been updated.


Therefore, using the default settings, a web user will receive an email reminder after 7 days . The and the account will be disabled after 14 days (7 plus 7).

If the PasswordExpiryReminder value is zero then password reminder functionality is disabled and neither a reminder email will be sent, nor will a web user's account be disabled. Since this value has a default of "7", this value must be explicitly set to zero to disable password reminder functionality.


<%%> variableDescription
<%product%>The name of the product eg, e.g. TIM Enterprise
<%expiryunits%>The value of PasswordExpiryTimeUnits
<%expirydate%>A computed date of the above values relative to the date that the email was sent at, in local date/time format.