Summary_list |
Task5 | Directory overview - video |
Task1 | Directory overview |
Task2 | Accessing the Directory |
Task3 | Adding objects to the Directory |
Task4 | Moving objects within the Directory |
Screenshotmacro |
URL | /download/attachments/1671330/directory_2.png |
A new window will appearopen, displaying all available objects grouped in two categories of objects: Organisation units and Other objects. For a detailed description of each object type, refer to the relevant section.
Moving objects within the Directory
If you need to To move objects within the Directory, e.g. moving an user from one group to another, follow the steps below:
Follow the steps below to move an object from one location in your Directory to another:
- Locate Locate in the Directory the object you want to move in the Directory, click on it and select from the drop-down list. In the example below we chose to move , the user
Referencemacro |
Label | Joe Bloggs is being moved from from group to group .
Screenshotmacro |
URL | /download/attachments/1671330/move_object_1.png |
- The object will be copied on the panel on the right-hand side of the screen, as shown below:
Screenshotmacro |
URL | /download/attachments/1671330/move_object_2.png |
- To move the selected object, go to the point in the Directory where you want the object to be moved into, and click on the button , at the top-right of the screen. In our example, Joe Bloggs will be moved into the group.
Screenshotmacro |
URL | /download/attachments/1671330/move_object_3.png |
Directory overview video
Videomacrovimeovideomacro |