<h2>Call volumes</h2>

<p>The graphs on the front screen (dashboard) display your call volumes in 
various ways, so you can see at-a-glance how busy your site(s) are.</p>

<p>The three graphs shown here represent the following:-</p>

    <li>Call volumes by call type</li>
    <li>Call volumes by half hour</li>
    <li>Call volumes by charge band</li>

<img id="border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/dashboard.png" alt="Dashboard"/>

<h4>Call volume by call type</h4>

<p>This first graph shows a snapshot of today's calls based on the type of call e.g. inbound, outbound, lost etc.</p>

<p>Each call type is colour-coded using a system-wide colour scheme, the default being as follows:-</p>

	<li><b style="color: #779122;">Green</b>: Incoming calls</li>
	<li><b style="color: #2391cb;">Blue</b>: Outgoing calls</li>
	<li><b style="color: #A0A0A0;">Gray</b>: Internal</li>
	<li><b style="color: #AADF47;">Lime</b>: Answered transferred calls</li>
	<li><b style="color: #ed1d1d;">Red</b>: Abandoned DDI calls (direct Dial in)</li>

NOTE 1: This same colour coding applies throughout TIM Enterprise.

NOTE 2: Calls shown in lighter shades of the colours above indicate that they were transferred.

<img src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/call_volume_1.png" alt="Call volume by call type"/>

<h4>Call volume by half hour</h4>

<p>This graph shows a snapshot of today calls broken down by half hout 
starting at midnight and finishing at midnight. Using the same colour 
coding as shown above, you can quickly identify peaks and troughs in 
call volume and identify busy periods at a glance.</p>

<img src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/call_volume_2.png" alt="Call volume by half hour"/>