<a id="Preparing the report"></a>

Preparing the report

To schedule a report, click on the Reports tab and select the report you want to run from the Type list on the left-hand side of the screen, as shown below:

In the same way as with running a report on demand, you can modify the report period, entity, filters, options and format before scheduling, by referring to the relevant pages below:

When you are ready to run the report, click on the Schedule button, as shown below:

A new window will open, where you can set the scheduling parameters of the report:

<a id="Setting the scheduling parameters"></a>

Setting the scheduling parameters

When do you want the first report to run?

Enter the future date and time that you want the report to run at, as shown below:

How often do you want the report to recur?

If you want the report to recur, tick the Thereafter, repeat the report box and select the frequency for reruns from the drop-down list, as shown below:

How do you want the report delivered?

The report can be delivered by e-mail or saved as a file to a specific location, by choosing a delivery method from the drop-down list:

Who receives the report?

Delivery methodDescription


  • Enter the e-mail address that you want the report to be delivered to
  • If you want the report to be e-mailed to more than one person, separate each address using the ; symbol.

  • Type the full filename, including folder, of the location that you want the report to be saved as, e.g. C:\My Reports\My Call Analysis.html
  • The filename can include the following variables:
{year}The current year
{month}The current month
{week}The current week number
{day}The current day of the month
{hhmmss}The time that the report ran, in a compact hours, minutes and seconds format.
{name}The name given to the report
{uiv}A unique numeric report identifier
  • To save the report to a network share, specify the filename using a UNC path. You must ensure that the user account running the TIM Plus service has access privileges to write to the file you have specified.

When you have configured the scheduling parameters, click on the Schedule button to save the report's definition.

Notice that your newly-scheduled reports are now listed in the Scheduled reports panel at the bottom of the screen, as shown below:






<p>To schedule a report to run in the future, and to set it to recur at 
frequent intervals, select the desired report from the list and click on
 the <span class="button">Schedule</span> button at the top-right of the Report screen, as shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/schedule_report.png" alt="Schedule button" />

<p>As with running a report on demand, you will need to select the report period and filters and options before scheduling.</p>

<p>When selecting the period for the report, remember that if you set 
the report to recur, this period will remain constant.  For example, 
suppose you want a report to run every month, you would select the 
period as  every <span class="reference">1 month</span>, then set the report to run on the first day
 of the following month.  This way, every month the report will run and 
have the period <span class="reference">Last month</span>, ensuring a retrospective view of the 
previous month.</p>

<p>The example below shows a <span class="reference">Busy channels</span> report. As no entity has been
 selected, it will run for the entire organisation. The report period 
has been set to <span class="reference">Last month</span> so ideally this report would be scheduled 
to recur monthly.</p> 

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/last_month_report.png" alt="Example of report scheduling" />

<p>When you've entered your period and criteria, press the <span class="button">Schedule</span> 
button. The report does not run, but instead a window appears which 
allows you determine the following:</p>

    <li>When you would like the report to start running</li>
    <li>How frequently the report runs</li>
    <li>How the report is delivered</li>
    <li>Who receives the report</li>

<p>The example below shows how the fields in this window may be filled in.</p>

<img class="screenshot border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/schedule_panel_1.png" alt="Schedule panel" />

<h4>When do you want the first report to run?</h4>

<p>Enter the exact date and time that you want the report to run in the <span class="reference">Start running the report on</span>
 fields. Enter the day, select the month from the drop-down list and enter 
the year. Then enter the time in the form 'hh:mm:ss' (hours, minutes 
and seconds).</p>

<h4>How often do you want the report to recur?</h4>

<p>If you want the report to recur, you can set the frequency by 
selecting from the drop-down list and entering a preceding digit e.g. 2
 days, 1 week, 1 month etc.</p>

<h4>How do you want the report delivered?</h4>

<p>Choose the delivery method from the list and then choose the destination.</p>

<table class="confluenceTable">
            <th class="confluenceTh" width=120>Delivery method</th>
            <th class="confluenceTh">Description</th>
            <td class="confluenceTd"><b>E-mail</b></td>
            <td class="confluenceTd">Enter the e-mail address in the <span class="reference">Recipient e-mail address</span> box. E-mail 
                addresses that you have stored against users are available by clicking 
                the <span class="button no_margin">Find</span> button. You can also type an e-mail address that is not 
                already stored. If you want to schedule delivery to more than one person,
                 simply use a ';' or ',' to separate the e-mail addresses listed.</td>
            <td class="confluenceTd"><b>File</b></td>
            <td class="confluenceTd">Type the location and filename where you want the file to be saved. For example, enter <span class="keyword">C:\My Reports\My Call Analysis.html</span></td>
            <td class="confluenceTd"><b>FTP</b></td>
            <td class="confluenceTd">Fill in the FTP options in the boxes displayed and select <span class="button no_margin">Schedule</span>.</td>
            <td class="confluenceTd"><b>HTTP POST</b></td>
            <td class="confluenceTd">Select HTTP POST as the Method of delivery and fill in the boxes.</td>

<p>After entering the scheduling details, click on the <span class="button">Schedule</span> button to 
return to the main Reports screen. Notice that your newly scheduled 
reports are now listed in the <span class="reference">Scheduled Reports</span> list. To access this 
list, simply click on the <span class="button">Scheduled reports</span> tab at the top left hand 
side of the screen as shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/schedule_panel_2.png" alt="Schedule panel" />