The Filter parameter allows you to add one or more filters to your report in order to narrow down your search results. For maximum flexibility, you are given the option to enter a filtering value and also the criteria by which this value should be matched in the results.

To add a filter to your report, click on the button, as shown below:

A new window will appear, allowing you to select the type of filter you want to add.

A list describing all filters available in TIM Enterprise is presented below. Note, however, that not all filters are relevant to all reports.

Account code

To filter a report by account code, enter the relevant value in the box provided and select the criteria by which you want this to be matched in the results. The options available in the drop-down list are described in the table below:



Search for calls whose account code matches a specific value

is not equal to

Exclude calls whose account code matches a specific value

begins with

Search for calls whose account code begins with a specific number of digits

does not begin with

Exclude calls whose account code begins with a specific number of digits

ends with

Search for calls whose account code ends with a specific number of digits

does not end with

Exclude calls whose account code ends with a specific number of digits


Search for calls whose account code contains a specific number of digits

does not contain     

Exclude calls whose account code contains a specific number of digits

To report on more than one account code, separate each entry with a comma.


The carrier is the tariff table used to cost the call. If you use more than one carrier, you can choose to filter your results by displaying or excluding calls routed over a particular carrier, e.g. BT.



Search for calls that were routed over a particular carrier

is not equal to    

Exclude calls that were routed over a particular carrier


You can define a cost filter to include calls above or below specific values by entering your criteria, as shown below:


is greater than    

Search for calls whose cost is greater than a specific value

is less than

Search for calls whose cost is less than a specific value


Search for calls whose cost is equal to a specific value

is not equal to   

Search for calls whose cost is not equal to a specific value

Dialled number

The dialled number is defined as the number that is dialled (in the case of an outbound call), or the DDI number that the remote party dialled to reach a particular extension or group (in the case of an inbound call).

To filter a report by dialled number, enter the relevant value in the box provided and select the criteria by which you want this to be matched in the results. The options available in the drop-down list are described in the table below:



Search for calls whose dialled number matches a specific value

is not equal to     

Exclude calls whose dialled number matches a specific value

begins with

Search for calls whose dialled number begins with a specific number of digits.

Use this option to locate calls to a particular location, e.g. 00 for international calls

does not begin with

Exclude calls whose dialled number begins with a specific number of digits.

ends with

Search for calls whose dialled number ends with a specific number of digits

does not end with

Exclude calls whose dialled number ends with a specific number of digits


Search for calls whose dialled number contains a specific number of digits

does not contain

Exclude calls whose dialled number contains the specified number of digits.




<p>The filters option allows you to add one or more filters to the report 
to allow you to sift through information in more detail. To add a 
filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <img class="icon" src="" > button to add to the report.</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Add filter" />

<p>The following window will appear, allowing you to set your report's filters:</p>

<img class="screenshot border" src="" alt="Add filter" />

NOTE: You may add more than one Filter to any report.

<h4>Account code</h4>

<p>If your telephone system provides the ability to add account codes, you 
may filter by entering the account code here. If more than one account 
code needs to be entered, simply comma separate.</p>

<p>The default option is to search for calls where there is an exact match 
for the account code entered i.e. <span class="keyword">equals</span>, however you do have several 
other options as shown in the image below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Account code" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>To find only exact matches for the account code entered</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>To find all calls to everything except a particular account code</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">begins with: </span>To find calls to an account code beginning with a specific series of digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not begin with: </span>To exclude calls to account codes beginning with a specific series of digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">ends with: </span>When you want to find calls to account codes ending with a specific series of digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not end with: </span>When you want to find calls to account codes that do not end with a specific series of digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">contains: </span>To find a call where you only have a portion of the account code number</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not contain: </span>To find a call where you need to exclude certain numbers or portions of numbers</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>


<p>The carrier is the tariff table used to cost the call. You can choose to
 filter all calls by a particular carrier e.g. if you want to check a 
recent bill from that carrier. Alternatively, you may want to look at 
all calls not routed over a particular carrier. The Carrier filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Carrier" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

	<li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>Calls equal to the value entered here e.g. all calls via BT</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>Calls not equal to the value here e.g. all calls where BT is not the carrier</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>


<p>This is the cost, if any, incurred by the call (shown in local currency). The Cost filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Cost" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

	<li><span class="keyword">is greater than: </span>All calls above the value entered here</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">is less than: </span>All calls below the value entered here</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>Calls equal to the value entered here</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>Calls not equal to the value here e.g. calls that were not free i.e. 0.00</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>

<h4>Dialled number</h4>

<p>When filtering by dialled number, enter the number you want to filter by here, including any international prefixes. The Dialled number filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Dialled number" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>To find only exact matches</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>To excluding calls to a particular number or beginning with a particular sequence of numbers</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">begins with: </span>To find calls to a particular location e.g. 00 for International</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not begin with: </span>To exclude certain calls e.g. 07 for UK mobile/personal</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">ends with: </span>When you want to find calls to a specific DDI</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not end with: </span>Calls to everywhere except a specific number range</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">contains: </span>To find a call where you only have a portion of the number</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not contain: </span>To find a call where you need to exclude certain numbers or portions of numbers</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>

<h4>LCR code</h4>

<p>If you use LCR code (Least Cost Routing), you can select the carrier you would like
 to report on here. Alternatively you can choose to exclude certain 
carriers. The LCR code filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="LCR code" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>To find only exact matches</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>To find any calls over alternative carriers</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">begins with: </span>To find calls for a partial LCR code</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not begin with: </span>To exclude calls over certain carriers</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">ends with: </span>To exclude LCR codes ending with specific digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not end with: </span>Where the LCR code does not end with specific digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">contains: </span>To find a call on an LCR where you only have a portion of the number</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not contain: </span>To find a call on an LCR excluding certain numbers or portions of numbers</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>

<h4>Start time</h4>

<p>Start time is defined as the exact time of day the call started, as 
output by your telephone system. The Start time filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Start time" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">is greater than: </span>Filter for calls that started after this time e.g. after 08:00</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is less than: </span>Filter for calls that started before this time e.g. before 07:00</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>Filter for calls that started at exactly this time</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>Filter for calls outside a particular time</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>

<p>NOTE: More than 1 filter can be added e.g. if you wanted to find calls that started after 9 am but before 6 pm. The first filter would have a Start time greater than 09:00:00 and the second filter would have a start time less than 18:00:00</p>

<h4>Call type</h4>

<p>This allows you to define the type of call you would like to report on. The Call type filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Call type" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">All inbound: </span> The report will produce results based on every inbound call.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">Inbound answered: </span>The report will produce results based on inbound answered calls only.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">Inbound DDI only: </span>The report will produce results based on inbound DDI (direct dial) calls only.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">Inbound transfer only: </span>The report will produce results based on inbound transferred calls only.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">Inbound missed: </span>The report will produce results based on inbound missed calls only.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">All outbound calls: </span>The report will produce results based on every outbound call.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">Outbound connected only: </span>The report will produce results based on outbound connected calls only.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">Outbound not connected only: </span>The report will produce results based on outbound calls that were not actually connected.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">Outbound operator assisted: </span>The report will produce results based on outbound calls that were operator assisted.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">Tandem: </span>The report will produce results based on tandem calls i.e. calls coming into a switch through one line and transferred out again through another.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">User mobile calls: </span>This report will produce results based on User mobile calls only.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">User SMS: </span>The report will produce results based on "user-dispatched (sent) text messages".  These types of "call" 
only come through if processing mobile billing data.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">All internal: </span>The report will produce results based on internal calls only.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">Internal answered only: </span>The report will produce results based on internal answered calls only.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">Internal not answered only: </span>The report will produce results based on internal calls that were not answered.</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">Internal not connected only: </span>The report will produce results based on internal calls that were not actually connected.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">Private wire: </span>The report will produce results based calls that went over a private wire.</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">Feature: </span>The report will produce results based on feature calls. A feature call is something which a user dials to obtain a specific PBX feature (such as voicemail enable/disable, group pick up, etc.) They're not really outbound calls or even internal calls, although some may be picked up as such.  A feature call can vary depending on the make/model of PBX.</li>

<p>Then you can define the actual type of call. e.g. to see all abandoned 
DDI calls, choose <span class="keyword">equals</span> and select <span class="keyword">Missed DDI only</span> from drop-down list.  
This will show all missed or abandoned calls.</p>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>


<p>This is the telephone number of the caller if presented known as CLI (Caller 
Line Identification). If you want to search for calls from a particular 
CLI or look for all calls excluding those from a specific CLI, this filter is suitable for you. 
The CLI filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="CLI" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>To find only exact matches</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>To find every call except those from that CLI</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">begins with: </span>To find calls that begin with similar CLI numbers</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not begin with: </span>To exclude calls from specific CLIs</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">ends with: </span>To exclude CLI numbers ending with specific digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not end with: </span>Where the CLI does not end with specific digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">contains: </span>To find call from a CLI where you only have a portion of the number</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not contain: </span>To find a call from a CLI excluding certain numbers or portions of numbers</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>


<p>The destination can most easily be defined as the B end of the call. 
It will change depending on the type of report being run. e.g. on an 
internal call, the destination will be the extension number or name of 
the person being dialled (if the extension number has been allocated a 
name). On an outgoing call the destination will be the name of the place
 being dialled e.g. USA, Leeds, Vodafone etc. If a location or mobile 
has been customised with an exact name, this will be shown e.g. Joe 
Bloggs mobile, ABC Corp LA office etc. This allows you to search for all
 calls except those to a specific destination. The Destination filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Destination" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>To find only exact matches for this actual destination</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>To exclude calls that don't match this destination</li>
	<li><span class="keyword">begins with: </span>To find calls that begin with a similar spelling </li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not begin with: </span>To find calls except those that beging with a specific location spelling</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">ends with: </span>To exclude locations ending with specific letters</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not end with: </span>To include all calls where the location does not end with specific letters</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">contains: </span>To find calls to destinations where you only have a portion of the name</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not contain: </span>To find a call to destinations where you want to exclude a portions of the name</li>	

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>


<p>You may want to filter calls based on the length of time spent on a call
 i.e. call duration. The Duration filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Duration" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">is greater than: </span>Allows you to look for calls longer than the duration entered</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is less than: </span>Allows you to look for calls shorter than the duration entered</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>Allows you to look for calls equal to the duration shown</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>Allows you to look for any call that does not match the duration entered</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>

<h4>Response time</h4>

<p>This filter allows you to search and see how long it took for a call to 
be answered. The duration for response time is always in seconds. The Response time filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Response time" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">is greater than: </span>Allows you to search for calls where the response time is longer than the number of seconds entered</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is less than: </span>Allows you to search for calls where the response time is below the number of seconds entered</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>Allows you to search for calls where the response time equals that entered</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>Allows you to search for calls where the response time differs to that entered</li>

<h4>Trunk access code</h4>

<p>This filter allows you to search for calls that used a particular trunk 
access routing code. The Trunk access code filter is presented below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Trunk access code" />

<p>You can select one of the following options:</p>

    <li><span class="keyword">equals: </span>To find calls using only this trunk access code</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">is not equal to: </span>To find every call that went out not using this trunk access code</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">begins with: </span>To find calls that went out over a trunk access code that began with these digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not begin with: </span>To find calls that went out over any trunk access code excluding those that began with the digits entered</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">ends with: </span>To find calls over any trunk access code ending with specific digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not end with: </span>To find calls over any trunk access code that does not end with specific digits</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">contains: </span>To find calls over any trunk access code where you only have a portion of the number</li>
    <li><span class="keyword">does not contain: </span>To find a call over any trunk access code which does not specific numbers or portions of numbers</li>

<p>To add the filter, simply choose the relevant filter and press the <span class="button">Add</span> button to add to the report.</p>

<h2>Added Filters</h2>

<p>Once your filters are added, they will appear under the <span class="reference">Filters</span> section, as shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Added filters" />

<h2>Delete a Filter</h2>

<p>In order to delete a filter, just select it with your mouse and click on the <img class="icon" src=""> button above it, as shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Delete filter" />