<p>These instructions should assist in configuring your Mitel 3300 to 
work with TIM Enterprise. If you are not familiar with PBX 
configuration, please contact your system maintainer.</p>

<table class="confluenceTable">
			<th class="confluenceTh" width=158>Connection information</th>
			<th class="confluenceTh">Description</th>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Connection type</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">IP</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>IP Method</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>TCP/IP connection: </b>
				The Mitel 3300 sends SMDR information via TCP/IP on port 1752. TIM Enterprise will connect to the IP address of Mitel 3300. The Mitel 3300 can only accept a maximum of three connections to port 1752.

<h2>Configuring your SMDR</h2>

<p>The Mitel 3300 has various SMDR fields that need to be configured. This can be achieved using the Mitel Communication Director. Below you will find how to access 'SMDR Options' window and how the fields need to be 
configured, as they're quite a few fields, we have supplied a screenshot of how it needs to be configured:</p>

<h4>Accessing the SMDR Options window</h4>

	<li>Login to the Mitel Communication Director.</li>
	<li>Click on <span class="button" id="list">System Properties</span>.</li>
	<li>Click on <span class="button" id="list">System Feature Settings</span>.</li>
	<li>Click on <span class="button" id="list">SMDR Options</span>.</li>

<p>The example below shows the Mitel Communication Director menu options:</p>

<img id="border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/mitel_3300_1.png" alt="Mitel 3300" />

<h4>SMDR Options window - field configuration</h4>

<p>The image below shows how to configure the SMDR Options fields:</p>

<img id="border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/mitel_3300_2.png" alt="Mitel 3300" />

<h2>Configuring TIM Enterprise</h2>

<p>Below you will find steps on how to configure TIM Enterprise to listen for SMDR data from your Mitel 3300:</p>

	<li>Browse to TIM Enterprise as normal and login with your credentials.</li>
	<li>Click on the <span class="button" id="list">Directory</span> tab.</li>
	<li>Go the the point in the Directory where you need to add the PBX Object and add a PBX with the name 'Mitel 3300'.</li>
	<li>Left-click on it and select <span class="button" id="list">Properties</span>.</li>
	<li>From the <span class="button" id="list">General</span> settings tab select <span class="keyword">Mitel 3300</span> from the PBX model list.</li>
	<img src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/mitel_3300_3.png" alt="Mitel 3300" />
	<li>In the <span class="button" id="list">Connection</span> tab select <span class="keyword">Establish TCP connection to PBX</span> from the <span class="reference">Connection method</span> list.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Host</span> field enter the IP Address of your Mitel 3300.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Port</span> field enter in <span class="keyword">1752</span>.</li>
	<li>Leave the <span class="reference">Username</span> and <span class="reference">Password</span> fields blank.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">IP script</span> field select <span class="keyword">Mitel</span> from the drop-down list.</li>
	<li>Finally, click on the <span class="button" id="list">Save</span> button.</li>
	<img src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/mitel_3300_4.png" alt="Mitel 3300" />